I always wanted a German Shepard. My parents would not let me have one when I was little so I adopted a cat. Best friend ever. When I turned 13 I could get a dog. I found an AKC German Shepard in the newspaper classifieds. It was $500 bucks! So I put my paper route money in my pocket and Mom drove me up to a house in Millilani and I picked the best one out of the litter. I wanted him to grow up very big. I feed him lots of meat. He grew up very tall and #125 pounds! I used to take him for long walks on Kahala beach after school.
I named my German Shepard Chip. Back then people said it was better to use a short name for a dog. I had Chip until I went to San Diego for college. Chip could not stand it that I was gone. He started getting angry. My Mom took him to the vet and he said we had to put him down. So she did that without even telling me. I would have rather of had him put up for adoption. One of the most sad days of my life! My sister called me to tell me. I raised chip from just a few weeks old. That's why he loved me so much!
never forget
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I always wanted a German Shepard. My parents would not let me have one when I was little so I adopted a cat. Best friend ever. When I turned 13 I could get a dog. I found an AKC German Shepard in the newspaper classifieds. It was $500 bucks! So I put my paper route money in my pocket and Mom drove me up to a house in Millilani and I picked the best one out of the litter. I wanted him to grow up very big. I feed him lots of meat. He grew up very tall and #125 pounds! I used to take him for long walks on Kahala beach after school.
Awww, so cute!
Awww, Mark, what were their names?
Erick, adooooorable!
I named my German Shepard Chip. Back then people said it was better to use a short name for a dog. I had Chip until I went to San Diego for college. Chip could not stand it that I was gone. He started getting angry. My Mom took him to the vet and he said we had to put him down. So she did that without even telling me. I would have rather of had him put up for adoption. One of the most sad days of my life! My sister called me to tell me. I raised chip from just a few weeks old. That's why he loved me so much!
I knew there would be a nice ending! Lol
Awww Mark, so sorry you had to go through that.
Susan, so cute, yah.
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