I love this picture so much that I'm a week early for Kai's 9-month photo.

Wendell bought this lumpia-looking apple pie rolls from Sam's for $9 something for 12 pieces.
They recommend air frying, but I'm too lazy to bust out the air fryer.
Cleta followed Foodland's Easy-Kine Shoyu Chicken recipe from last month. Sure looks yummy!!
Note: I made this the other night 'cause seemed easy enough for me. I didn't do the extra-step broiling. Didn't look as good but it WAS yummy.
I used our mango picker to knock down marungay pods overhanging from the neighbor's tree so that I don't have to worry about Kai getting to the pods that fall into our yard. He likes to play with them and will sometimes eat them.
I could only get to the ones on the right tree. Am still trying to figure out how to reach the ones on the left.
My grip strength has gotten weak and it's not possible for me to walk Kai. I bought the gentle leader a few months ago hoping it would help. It attaches to the dog’s snout so only gentle tugs are needed to guide your dog.
At first we would train in the backyard twice a day. But it was a chore. Kai just didn’t like it. Training got cut down to once a day. Then once in awhile. Then I quit. Twice.
When I got back from Japan we started again.
And then finally yesterday we went on a walk.
You can click on the photo below to watch a short video. Kai Boy did well. I’m so proud of him.