Sunday, August 2, 2020

Eva zu Beck

Eva zu Beck impresses me. Her drone videography is amazing. Plus, she is extremely brave. And pretty.


Honolulu Aunty said...

She is super brave - to be lost and in a land of strangers and a woman on her own? Yikes. Yike yikes.

Mark Shelby said...

I follow Eva on youtube. I got this one in my email yesterday. Yes she is very brave! I follow several adventure women on youtube. I think it's awesome that get out and explore. Check out Catherine's page.

I've been to the San Juan Mountains in Colorado in my 4x4 exploring the 1800's old mining trails that were made for their wagons.

Chet Colson said...

Eva is a very gutsy woman. Even with the modern technology she has with her, out in the Gobi desert, if she gets hurt, she'll be in a world of hurt. I enjoyed the video,

jalna said...

Aunty, I agree with your triple "yikes".

Mark, thanks, I'll check out your link.

Chet, I kept worrying for her.

Susan said...

Very interesting, her life. I’m no where near as adventurous as her and I know she’s doing well with so many ppl watching her vids.