Friday, May 31, 2024

My Chicken Katsu

This was the first time for me to make Chicken Katsu.  Came out good.  Landon made the sauce. He just threw things together minus Worcestershire sauce 'cause I'm not a fan.

I followed a recipe from Mochi Mommy website. I rinsed the chicken and patted dry, pounded the filets to kinda flatten them and then sprinkled with little bit of salt. I dunked them in the egg/flour mixture and then the panko. I didn't deep fry like the recipe said, instead just used about 1/2-inch of oil.

4 chicken thigh filets
2 eggs plus 1/4 cup flour, mixed
1 1/2 cups panko
oil to fry

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Hey, Not Fair

This guy wakes me up at 3:30 in the morning and gets to sleep all he wants after.  😂


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Kai and the Palm Frond

There was a palm frond on the sidewalk on my morning walk.  So I brought it home.

See Kai's reaction to it by clicking on the photo below.


Monday, May 27, 2024

Cy's Beef Mac and Cheese

 This is Cy's Throw-Together Mac and Cheese.


Just combine all of the below.  My kind of recipe!Resized_20240422_154806_1713838252365

Sunday, May 26, 2024

"Where's Your Ball?"

Landon said that it could've been a fluke.  I say it's Smart Boy.  And BTW, the ball was Kona's.

Click on the photo below to watch.


Saturday, May 25, 2024

Diem's Mango Salad with Dried Shrimp

Cy's wife, Diem, made this salad using green mangoes.  She added basil, dried shrimp, fish sauce, sugar and lemon.  Sure looks refreshing!


Friday, May 24, 2024

Kai the Newspaper Delivery Dog

 Click on the photo below to see Kai learning to deliver the newspaper.


Thursday, May 23, 2024


I'm thinking that maybe I should make me a banh mi sandwich so that I can make use of my home-grown cilantro before somebody else gets to it.  🤣


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Kai - 11 Weeks Old

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Cleta's Banh Mi

Cleta got this Pulled Chicken from Sam's to make her Banh Mi sandwiches.  It was $13.98.  She said that it was really good.  She also used Sam's hoagie for the bread.



This is Cleta's cilantro-less version.  Both look good to me. 


Monday, May 20, 2024


There's a portion of our backyard that's gotten really muddy from the rains so I've set up a barricade to prevent Kai from going there.  Luckily(?), I turned out to be a shitty gardener so I never got to use the big planter pots that I bought when they were on sale at Longs awhile back.   

Here is the initial test run to see how Kai does with it.  So far, it works.

Now Kai can come out on this side with me when I give Fred his breakfast in the mornings.  

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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Kai and the Wonky Ball

Kai received a box full of toys from his Aunty N.  Thank you!!  This red and blue ball rolls wobbly (wobbly-ly?) and makes a funny sound.

You can click on the photo to watch a video.


Saturday, May 18, 2024


I'm loving my new Dyson Detect vacuum cleaner.  It's great at detecting fur.

It's not too noisy, so Kai is only slightly afraid of it.


Friday, May 17, 2024

After the Rains

Click on the photo below to watch a video of Kai in the yard late yesterday afternoon after being cooped up in the house all day because of the rains.


Thursday, May 16, 2024

Chrissy's Banana Bread Mix

I bought a banana bread mix from Ross.  A couple days later while Kai was asleep, I decided to make it.  You just add 2 eggs, oil and water.  I also added some chopped nuts because Wendell likes nuts.  Super easy.

While it was baking I started doubting the outcome because for some reason it took 1/2 hour longer than the recommended 40 minutes to completely solidify.  Maybe it's my oven.

Anyway, after it was finally done Wendell cut the first piece for himself, and I stole two bites. 

I immediately ran into the bedroom, changed my clothes and made a mad dash back to Ross.  I bought 6 more boxes.  Because it was that good.  Just slightly banana-y, but very moist and very dense.

In the evening Landon tasted a piece.  He said that it was "damn good", "best he ever ate", "loved the chocolate and coconut pieces".

It's a Cravings by Chrissy Tiegen mix and was $4.99.  There's also a Chrissy's Buttermilk Mochi Pancake and Waffle Mix for the same price that I had bought for Wendell.  He really liked it so I got 2 more boxes of that too.


This is the banana bread mix.   


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Kai - 10 Weeks Old

Kai is doing much better in the poop department.  He actually achieved tootsie-roll status this morning!  What a relief.

And as you'll see in the last photo, after many, many attempts he finally conquered the couch.





Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Soft Poop

Kai's been having really soft dodo for the past few days.  He's mostly been going in the middle of the night when we're sleeping.  We have the front room gated off and that's where he and I have been sleeping.  He only goes in this spot.  Kinda.  His aim is sometimes not that great.

Pal Ryan and the vet's office recommended pumpkin, so I went to Petco and picked up a couple of packs of pureed pumpkin made especially for upset tummies.  

Luckily, Kai's appetite and energy are still good, but I have an appointment with the vet for this afternoon if he doesn't improve by then. 


Monday, May 13, 2024

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Kai's Bed

 Kai likes his bed a lot.  Click on the photo below to see how much.


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Kai | iaK

Click on the photo below to see a video of Kai and a mirror.  😁 


Friday, May 10, 2024

Outgrown Pen?

Kai was chewing on a lever on my chair yesterday and I kinda wasn't paying too much attention to him until too late.  When I did look, there was this fine white dust all over his nose and in his mouth and on the floor. 

I then realized that he was actually chewing on a couple of peeling-off disintegrated stickers from under the bottom of my seat.

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So I put him in his pen in the next room so that I could clean up without him getting in my way.  He wasn't too happy about being in there instead of attacking my broom, so he started whining and pawing at the door.  Soon, he had that pen rolling around all over the floor.  I tried to take a video but I couldn't because I was just cracking up too much.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

"Kai, Sit."

Click on the photo below to watch a short video.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Good Boy/Bad Boy

 Good boy.


Bad boy.


Monday, May 6, 2024

Kai and the Squeaky Toy

 You can click on the photo below to watch a video. 


Sunday, May 5, 2024

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Friday, May 3, 2024

Kai's Pen

We brought Kai home yesterday.  I had to share this picture of a shirtless Wendell because I thought it was so cute.  Wendell's trying to make Kai feel more comfortable in his pen.

When I put Kai in at around 8:30 p.m. he whimpered for a little bit and pawed at the door, but quickly settled into his dog bed.  Wendell took him out to shishi at midnight-ish, and that was it.  He stayed put until around 5:00 a.m. when I got up and let him out.

He's such a good boy.


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Out Da Window

Sunset in Japan taken through my airplane window at 6:50 p.m. with my Sony RX100 iii.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

On Da Grill

Photo taken 2 nights ago with my iPhone at 7:16 p.m. as I tried to grill dried squid on dying embers in our hibachi.

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