Yesterday and today's photos were both taken this week at the cactus garden at KCC. I totally got bitten by some kind of bug(s) and was itchy, itchy, itchy on both lower legs and both hands until I got home and took a bath.
My photography buddy Erick invited me to participate in a Facebook 7-day Nature Photo Challenge where you share one nature photo a day for seven days. Wonder if a fake jelly fish paper weight counts.
I went outside at around 6:45 in the morning, took a few shots to test out my just-repaired camera, went back indoors and never went back out again. I missed the whole marathon. Aiyaaaaa.
How are you guys doing? Shopping/baking/wrapping done? Almost? Me? I'm a little bit ahead of schedule this year. I like it. I feel calmer than usual . . . not so frazzled. I had to put my sewing on hold because this is my sewing area.
Guess what happened since I last blogged. My Precious camera broke. I went online to trouble shoot and deduced (hoped) that it might've been something simple like needing a new "clock" battery. I went to Walgreen's (and Longs and Radio Shack and Game Stop and Ross) and picked up the battery and a small Phillips screwdriver set. I nervously opened up My Precious and replaced the battery. Several times. Because it still wouldn't work. And I kept thinking that I was doing it wrong. But no. No matter how many times I tried, the camera still wouldn't work. Waaaaahhhhhh.
The best, best thing about owning a Canon camera is that we have a service center here on Ward. They still have to send it away, but at least you can drop it off here and they'll ship it for you. I left my camera there and waited for a diagnosis. I got a call the next day. Two circuit boards needed to be replaced as well as the lens contact assembly, and LCD assembly. My shutter had a very high count (144,000) and needed to be replaced too. My total cost to repair: $531! I said okay. And finally for you, here's a funny video about what happened to a car that was illegally parked in a handicapped space somewhere in Europe. Thanks for sharing, Ross!
Mixed Plate Friday
Yummy’s Korean B-B-Q Bibimkooksoo | $16.95 Oh the pricey. So pricey. But so
good. I get this one from the Ala Moana food course and I order it spicy
The Happiest 75th Birthday Ever!
One of the happiest moments during our trip to Illinois this summer was to
stay with our daughter and family in Chicago and be there to spend a week
and ...
this and that
Tokyo People: this guy whizzed past me on this motorized scooter
thingyfound white rice but now need to find brown, 1st world problems Tokyo
People : be th...
Pliers and Catch up
I do believe one of the rules of successful blogging is to post at least
once a week. Ha! So I am doing unsuccessful blogging and not stressing
about it....
Descanso Gardens, 4/2/24
Three out of four college roommates were able to get together. Our other
roommate, Mary, is from Mountain View and it would have been an eight hour
Surf Report 09-06-2023
Waves: 1 - 3 Feet Wind: Trades Light Trade winds are back but the waves are
still rolling in! It's not Uranus Gotta stop and smell the sunrise! Cotton
Business Launch Challenge!
Did you happen to read my last post? If not, you should watch this video
before reading on...
But if you're interested, there is a Business Launch Cha...