Friday, May 29, 2020

Cleta's Roast Pork

Pal Cleta made Roast Pork for her family's dinner last night. Looks awesome, right!

She shared her recipe below. ❤️


I parboiled and towel dried the pork. (I don't know if parboiling made the skin not as crispy but I was going make kau yuk).

Mix 2 Tbsp Chinese wine or dry sherry (I only had whiskey), 1 tsp 5-spice, 1 Tbsp brown sugar and 1/2 tsp salt. Rub all over and roast at 375 degrees til cooked. 

I took the pork out, put in another foil-lined pan, and sprinkled with a goodly amount of salt and pepper.  Then I broiled on low til just before setting off the smoke alarm. 

Let sit 10 mins then chow.

Eat with salad so no feel bad.


Thank you, Cleta!!!


Anonymous said...

All of the dishes you have shared looks so onolicious!


Honolulu Aunty said...

Very awesome!

jalna said...

Izsmom, thanks!

Aunty, I agree!