Monday, May 13, 2024

The Best Time

Nap time.



Anonymous said...

just like babies, they're soooo adorable when they sleep. Then they wake up.

Honolulu Aunty said...

Same thing with babies. So cute.

Anonymous said...

Awww…sweet dreams Kai! 😴❤️


K and S said...

recharging the battery :)

jalna said...

V, LOL. I tiptoe around when he's sleeping, but he's such a light sleeper.

Aunty, exactly!

Izsmom, ❤️

Kat, and then he goes full blast.

Kalin's Mommy said...

Aw, so cute!

Susan said...

Lol, I say that about the grandkids. But when they get up they’re recharged. Enjoy it now because one day they just do their own thing and pay you no mind. : (

jalna said...

Hey Mich!!

Susan, ❤️