Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Kai and the Palm Frond

There was a palm frond on the sidewalk on my morning walk.  So I brought it home.

See Kai's reaction to it by clicking on the photo below.



Anonymous said...

So funny! He’s curious but very cautious…”Mom I’m scared!”


Honolulu Aunty said...

Cautious dog! Very smart. He will be easy to train with parents like you.

K and S said...

loving these daily doses of kai, so cute

Susan said...

Too cute!

Dd said...

too biiiggg ???

jalna said...

Izsmom, he's like me . . . doesn't like new stuff. LOL.

Aunty, hopefully!

Kat, thanks.

Susan, ❤️

Dd, just scary looking seeing for the first time.