Wednesday, May 1, 2024

On Da Grill

Photo taken 2 nights ago with my iPhone at 7:16 p.m. as I tried to grill dried squid on dying embers in our hibachi.

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Anonymous said...

What's funny is I was watching Soko Ga Japan last night with my mom and there was a pot belly stove on a train! But moreso, they grilled some squid on it and this woman rider was going on about how sake is so good (with the squid). My mom and I were saying how we haven't eaten that long time and she remembered that I bought a bunch back from Japan one trip.

jalna said...

V, funny how life is so synchronous.

Honolulu Aunty said...

Looks ono! Isn't it amazing about the iPhone camera?

Chet Colson said...

It was look eerie, but beautiful. We had mackerel skewered over charcoal on our trip, but it does not have the visual of your, because it was in the day time.

Susan said...

Cool pic!

DNakamaru said...

Cool shot. Reminds me of a Godzilla monster.

K and S said...

looks ono!

jalna said...

Aunty, soooo amazing camera on a phone!! And more amazing to me is that the new iPhones have a 48 megapixel camera instead of 12 like mine!

Chet, sounds like you had a good food trip!

Susan, thanks!

Hey Dean!! LOL.

Kat, smelled so good.