Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Kai - 10 Weeks Old

Kai is doing much better in the poop department.  He actually achieved tootsie-roll status this morning!  What a relief.

And as you'll see in the last photo, after many, many attempts he finally conquered the couch.






Anonymous said...

good: tootsie roll poop
bad: conquering the couch

Honolulu Aunty said...

Such a smart one. Super cute. Love those pictures!

Anonymous said...

He’s getting so big! So curious with his nose in the pipe. LOL


DrumMajor said...

Yep, Goldens on couches are the best thing. His nose must've worked overtime in the drain pipe. Looks like he gently caught a butterfly? Cute pup; I'm biases cuz I've had a golden before. Linda in Kansas

K and S said...

glad he is doing better, take care!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Kai is doing better. Now he needs to work on aiming the tootie roll on the poop paper.. 🤣

jalna said...

V, 😂

Aunty, thanks!

Izsmom, so fast yah.

Kansas, it was his favorite thing to chew on . . . a dried leaf.

Kat, thanks!

Anon, for sure. LOL.