Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Soft Poop

Kai's been having really soft dodo for the past few days.  He's mostly been going in the middle of the night when we're sleeping.  We have the front room gated off and that's where he and I have been sleeping.  He only goes in this spot.  Kinda.  His aim is sometimes not that great.

Pal Ryan and the vet's office recommended pumpkin, so I went to Petco and picked up a couple of packs of pureed pumpkin made especially for upset tummies.  

Luckily, Kai's appetite and energy are still good, but I have an appointment with the vet for this afternoon if he doesn't improve by then. 



Anonymous said...

Have you tried doggie probiotics? Whenever my doggies have soft stools I give them probiotic chews and it works. You can get it from Petco or Pet Smart or Amazon. Even when their stools are good, I try to give it at least once a week or so.


Honolulu Aunty said...

Ah, the worries of parenthood.

Anonymous said...

Hi and so happy to see the puppy journey with Kai! My friend is a proponent of crate training which I had never done until I got Renegade. For several months he spent the night in his crate and it really worked. When he started to move around a lot then I knew he needed to go outside to do his business. Hope his gut settles soon.

K and S said...

hope he feels better soon, you take care too

Anonymous said...

BTW, noticed you wrote Kona instead of Kai. 😁


Susan said...

This brings back memories when our little Leon was constipated. I had to stay with him all day. He was in distress and finally went in the afternoon. The vet recommended pumpkin too.

Anonymous said...

Probably from something he chewed on and ate. Stickers? At least he still has an appetite and energy, but still you worry you know .
Keep us posted.
Bonny OGG

jalna said...

Izsmom, is there a particular brand that you like? We keep calling him Kona. Can't believe I actually wrote it too. LOL.

Aunty, especially by an insecure mom.

Holly, I wondered about crate training, but never really understood how it worked.

Kat, thanks!

Susan, awwww, poor thing.

Bonny, that's what I'm wondering. When he's outside he is constantly picking up and chewing on stuff. I used to be able to grab them out of his mouth, but now he runs away from me and he's just too quick.