Sunday, May 19, 2024

Kai and the Wonky Ball

Kai received a box full of toys from his Aunty N.  Thank you!!  This red and blue ball rolls wobbly (wobbly-ly?) and makes a funny sound.

You can click on the photo to watch a video.



Honolulu Aunty said...

So funny how he tries to engage the ball and then walks away.

Anonymous said...

J, I fall in love with Kai. ACK! His big floppy ears, his thick fur that looks like carpet and man, his thick bones, he's going to be huge. He barks so derp already. Yeah, no can handle puppy energy now. I remember when Mackie was a puppy, I'd take him to a baseball park and he'd run and run around it so many times. Just amazing his energy. I was healthier then so could walk a lot. Thank goodness he's older now. -N

Anonymous said...

So adorable! 🥰


K and S said...

so fun to watch!

jalna said...

Aunty, he's so easily distracted.

N, I like when he runs around in the yard and then takes a loooong nap after.

Izsmom, ❤️

Kat, funny yah.