Friday, May 31, 2024

My Chicken Katsu

This was the first time for me to make Chicken Katsu.  Came out good.  Landon made the sauce. He just threw things together minus Worcestershire sauce 'cause I'm not a fan.

I followed a recipe from Mochi Mommy website. I rinsed the chicken and patted dry, pounded the filets to kinda flatten them and then sprinkled with little bit of salt. I dunked them in the egg/flour mixture and then the panko. I didn't deep fry like the recipe said, instead just used about 1/2-inch of oil.

4 chicken thigh filets
2 eggs plus 1/4 cup flour, mixed
1 1/2 cups panko
oil to fry

IMG_7458 2


Anonymous said...

Looks onolicious!


Chet Colson said...

Looks delicious. I like that you didn't deep fry. Mac or potato would compliment the dish.

Honolulu Aunty said...

Oh, that looks so juicy and ono!

K and S said...

looks ono

jalna said...

Izsmom, pretty easy to make. But da oil splatter . . .

Chet, that's what Lan said. LOL.

Aunty, thanks.

Kat, maybe I'll make it more often.