Friday, May 3, 2024

Kai's Pen

We brought Kai home yesterday.  I had to share this picture of a shirtless Wendell because I thought it was so cute.  Wendell's trying to make Kai feel more comfortable in his pen.

When I put Kai in at around 8:30 p.m. he whimpered for a little bit and pawed at the door, but quickly settled into his dog bed.  Wendell took him out to shishi at midnight-ish, and that was it.  He stayed put until around 5:00 a.m. when I got up and let him out.

He's such a good boy.



Honolulu Aunty said...

Such a lucky dog! SOOOO cute!

Lorna said...

All I can say is, awww.

Anonymous said...

Aww!! Kai is adorable!


Anonymous said...

almost makes me want to get a dog too,

Anonymous said...

J, Seems like Kai is gonna be a daddy's boy.That is so unexpected from Wendell that he's so enthusiastic of Kai. Was he like this with Kona.What you think of Kutie Kai. -N

K and S said...


jalna said...

Aunty, he cried for little bit again last night. But again just accepted his fate and settled down. LOL.

Lorna, me too when I look at his face.

Izmom, I agree!


N, Wendell totally was. He's the one who bought Kona from a lady in Kona.

Kat, yah!

Susan said...

Love this!