Friday, May 24, 2024

Kai the Newspaper Delivery Dog

 Click on the photo below to see Kai learning to deliver the newspaper.



Honolulu Aunty said...

LOL! Especially funny when da foot came down.

Anonymous said...

J, lol Kai is not quite getting the retrieving part of his breed..or maybe the letting go part.I read once retrievers have a soft mouth so that they don't damage the birds that are taken down and they were showing that they can carry a raw egg without them breaking it. -N

Anonymous said...

LOL Too funny! He’s like, this is my newspaper mom! get your own!


jenny said...

Hahahaha almost got it....ALMOST!

K and S said...

so much energy :)

jalna said...

Aunty, I totally cannot catch him anymore.

N, that is so interesting!!

Izsmom, LOL.

Jenny, 😁

Kat, I like when he runs around and gets all tired out and then takes long naps.