Thursday, May 30, 2024

Hey, Not Fair

This guy wakes me up at 3:30 in the morning and gets to sleep all he wants after.  😂



Anonymous said...

LOL! He is in lala land! No cares in the world. 🥰


Honolulu Aunty said...

Awww. Worth every minute, right?

Anonymous said...

J, hilarious and dogs sleep so intense too. I assume he wakes you up for potty. That'll pass when he gets older. I had an indoor/outdoor cat at my last place who came and went as she pleases. I'd wake up as she was 'making biscuits' on my bum with claws OUT. ALL the time. Then I'd hear her vibrating purr as those mini daggers went in and out. Can't get mad. At least she picked the fattest part. -N

Chet Colson said...

It's like having a newborn. Going be ruff on the sleep. Throws off your circadian rhythm

K and S said...

living the life :)

jalna said...

Izsmom, I couldn't resist taking the photo. He was right beside my chair.

Aunty, totally.

N, if he shishi's in the middle of the night he'll do it on the pad. He usually wakes me up when Landon gets up for work at around 5:00ish. For some reason he was early on that particular morning. Sooo funny about your cat. 😁

Chet, brings back memories. LOL.

Kat, really.