Friday, May 17, 2024

After the Rains

Click on the photo below to watch a video of Kai in the yard late yesterday afternoon after being cooped up in the house all day because of the rains.



Anonymous said...

J, I am so invested in Kai, I don't know why. Lol. I always have adored Labs, wanted one but at my age no can handle, let alone carry anything bigger than a chi. Plus I have empty puppy nest syndrome. Love my pups, miss having them. Old age nostalgia I think. Plus Kai is adorable -N

Chet Colson said...

Yay, freedom.....

Honolulu Aunty said...

Happy, happy, joy, joy! Your yard looks good! No weeds and good grass - he hasn't started to dig, yet.

Anonymous said...

Ho! So much energy! Chase me mom! Oh look ball! So cute!


K and S said...

so much energy, cute!

jalna said...

N, awwwww. I can barely handle too. I've been sleeping good at night 'cause I'm so tired.

Chet, for real!

Aunty, he does have favorite digging spot. I've covered them up with planks, but I ran out.

Izsmom, LOL.

Kat, too much!