Sunday, February 21, 2021

Wendell's Spam Donburi

Wendell said that he saw this recipe on Facebook and he decided to try it.  It's originally from a blog site called Miss Mochi's Adventures.  That recipe can be found here.

Wendell's double-ish version is below.

Sorry peoples, but I can't figure out why all of a sudden my videos don't have the arrow to click on anymore.  If you click on the picture it'll take you to the video on Flickr. 

Wendell's Spam Donburi

2 2/3 cup dashi
1/2 cup shoyu
4 Tbs. mirin
2 Tbs. sugar

1 onion, sliced
1 can spam, sliced, fried
5 eggs, beaten

Place onion slices in the broth and bring to a boil.  Boil until the onions are to your liking.  Add spam and eggs.

Cover and cook for 30 seconds.  Turn off heat and wait for 30 more seconds.

Serve over hot rice.


Anonymous said...

My kind of recipe and something my family will eat. LOL


jalna said...

Izsmom, LOL. My kind of recipe too!

Honolulu Aunty said...

Oh that looks so good! And I think I can do it! Was so funny listening to the conversation. Wendell is talking and you trying not to say too much because you are filming.

Btw, Costco has a package of umami dashi packets from Japan. Good stuff that my Seattle daughter sent to me but now she doesn't need to because we have it here.

K and S said...

looks ono!

jalna said...

Aunty, uuuuuu, I love dashi from Japan. I'll go look for um.

Kat, simple too!

Chet Colson said...

I got to watch my sodium intake. I'd probably substitute ham instead.Looks Ono!!

Kay said...

I was just about to ask what kind of dashi would you use. Costco, hunh? Aha... I shall have to look for it.

Susan said...

I eat more Japanese food than anything else. I might replace the spam with something else : )

Susan said...

Haha, I thought it was just a pic and commented before I read everyone’s comments. I like how Wendell put some great comments to the video!

jalna said...

Chet, I should watch too.

Kay, good to know yah.

Susan, I really don't like it that now you can't tell it's a video. I may have to load all my videos onto YouTube now.

Kay said...

By the way, I love the video. You are so professional.

jalna said...

Kay, LOL, thank you!