I like it when artists on YouTube show us their supplies. I dunno why I enjoy it so much. Maybe it's to learn what they like to use. Or maybe I'm just nosy.
At any rate, I thought I'd show you what are in some of my drawers . . . in case you're curious.

I see how you keep busy, retired one!
Wow! All mine good stuff. At least you are neat. You don’t want to see how and where I store my supplies. LOL
I enjoyed that - thanks!
Wow! What's more, how neatly you've stored them.
I wish I had lots of drawers like you!
You would have done well in the military, you're organized and structured. Whoahhh!!!
Susan, LOL.
Izsmom, things that are not in drawers or containers are in a mess.
Aunty, welcome. I would love to see your supplies. 😄
V, I just showed the neat stuff. You should see the big pikcha.
Kat, they're mostly bought at the swap meet. I have a lot of containers with lids too.
Chet, LOL. I like compartments.
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