if you're interested, there is a hair salon in Manoa Marketplace-Kai Salon. Amazing, they sell beef chips for $10 bag. Got several different flavors, teri, spicy (chili pepper), black pepper, and spicy teri. Reminded me of the ones that All Inn used to sell, except the chili pepper is covered with the flakes. SPICY!!! but ono. 2nd floor above Fendu Boulangrie. v
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Delhi - Day 9
October 2, 2019
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Subie met us once again to take us on a mini tour around Delhi. ...
Only for the brave.
I like spicy hot, but not to the point when my tongue gets numb and cannot taste anything after that. LOL
Crispy jerky or beef flavored chips? Interesting
Lol......love their slogan "what like beef" " false crack hot". Hey, gotta support local.
I am a wimp, I wouldn't even try it, LOL!
if you're interested, there is a hair salon in Manoa Marketplace-Kai Salon. Amazing, they sell beef chips for $10 bag. Got several different flavors, teri, spicy (chili pepper), black pepper, and spicy teri. Reminded me of the ones that All Inn used to sell, except the chili pepper is covered with the flakes. SPICY!!! but ono. 2nd floor above Fendu Boulangrie.
Aunty, ho, for real!
Izsmom, LOL.
Kat, I know!
Susan, I bought it at the beginning of December and worried if it would stay crispy until Christmas, but it did fine.
Chet, so clever yah.
Mich, I wasn't gonna, but I was curious.
V, that's a good price! I'll check them out next time I'm in that area. Thanks!
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