Hi! There's a similar print at Fabric Mart in red, yellow, pink, and blue for about $6/yard. You can view the print on their website by searching cotton fabrics. -diane
I saw really cute Hawaiian fabric at Fabric Mart. I went at opening time and it wasn't crowded. You have to get your temperature taken before you enter too.
J,I went to the fabric Mart website as suggested and they get but different kine print and about $5 way cheaper. I wanna sew too but I not good and scared I going just collect fabric like before like I collect Kindle books. Sigh -N
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Wow, you gotta sell the masks to make your money back!
Mich, for real yah!
Cute! But super expensive. Sheesh, I would wait too.
Hi! There's a similar print at Fabric Mart in red, yellow, pink, and blue for about $6/yard. You can view the print on their website by searching cotton fabrics.
So cute, but good decision to hold off.
I saw really cute Hawaiian fabric at Fabric Mart. I went at opening time and it wasn't crowded. You have to get your temperature taken before you enter too.
The cutest things are the most expensive! I’d always crave sushi wearing something with that print!
Izsmom, at least masks don't require a lot of fabric, but still . . .
Diane, thanks! I'll check it out.
Aunty, my sewing machine is actually back in the closet, but I'm thinking mask making will probably be around for awhile still.
Kay, I'll check out the site. Thanks.
Kat, foe sure!
Susan, LOL.
J,I went to the fabric Mart website as suggested and they get but different kine print and about $5 way cheaper. I wanna sew too but I not good and scared I going just collect fabric like before like I collect Kindle books. Sigh -N
N, I checked too! Way cheaper! And me too, my sewing machine is already back deep in the closet. I would just be collecting the fabric now.
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