Oh my! I love these old photos of days gone by. Makes me wish I had the foresight to take pics of some of my favorite places from back in the day that I have yet to see. You posted a few that brings back a lot of memories of my hanabata and high school days... KC Drive In (especially with the car hop!), Chunky’s, working at the cannery! Thanks!
I love seeing photos of old Hawaii! I've been searching for photos of King Street, in the 50s and 60s, between University Ave and Kuhio School during Christmas. I remember large garlands would be hung from one side of the street to the other side. Even though I can somewhat picture it, I wish I could see a photograph of it. ~e
Love ALL of it Jalna! Thanks so Much! Those are all of my Honolulu memories from little kid time! I remember all of it in Person! I saw it ALL and all of the changes! Growing up in Hawaii was Da bess time of my life!
never forget
Thinking of the people of Tohoku and the surrounding areas especially
today.Sending virtual hugsps thankful the wildfires in Iwate are finally out
Amaterasu Sushi – Honolulu, HI
Yes yes, another sushi restaurant! We had a few celebrations in the past
few months but this one was special. This was our first visit to Amaterasu
Sushi a...
Who Are You Calling “Elderly”?
Sheesh. There has been so much news about an elderly woman this or an
elderly man that – all about tragedies or bad news like found in a dumpster
or kille...
Descanso Gardens, 4/2/24
Three out of four college roommates were able to get together. Our other
roommate, Mary, is from Mountain View and it would have been an eight hour
Surf Report 09-06-2023
Waves: 1 - 3 Feet Wind: Trades Light Trade winds are back but the waves are
still rolling in! It's not Uranus Gotta stop and smell the sunrise! Cotton
Delhi - Day 9
October 2, 2019
We had another full day in Delhi before we leave for Varanasi tomorrow.
Subie met us once again to take us on a mini tour around Delhi. ...
so cool! had forgotten about the pineapple water tank!
Oh my! I love these old photos of days gone by. Makes me wish I had the foresight to take pics of some of my favorite places from back in the day that I have yet to see. You posted a few that brings back a lot of memories of my hanabata and high school days... KC Drive In (especially with the car hop!), Chunky’s, working at the cannery! Thanks!
Thank You!!!
I love seeing photos of old Hawaii! I've been searching for photos of King Street, in the 50s and 60s, between University Ave and Kuhio School during Christmas. I remember large garlands would be hung from one side of the street to the other side. Even though I can somewhat picture it, I wish I could see a photograph of it. ~e
A bygone era. I never worked Dole Cannery like my classmates. Remember Chun Hoon Supermarket, I was a bagger. I believe, it was a $1.50/ hour.
Kat, we just took it for granted back then, yah.
Izsmom, me too, wish I had taken pictures before.
Cloudia, LOL . . . welcome!
E, would love to see that too.
Chet, I never worked cannery either. My first job was at Palolo McDonalds.
Love ALL of it Jalna! Thanks so Much! Those are all of my Honolulu memories from little kid time! I remember all of it in Person! I saw it ALL and all of the changes! Growing up in Hawaii was Da bess time of my life!
Thanks for sharing Jalna!
Hey! I see Da Termite Stadium across the street from Wigwam! My Dad's Sunday school class went to every game! Don't jump with excitement!
Da stands would Bounce!
Da termites might stop holding hands everyone said! .... ; )
And I remember when they dredged Ala Moana beach coral to fill in the Wet Marsh to build the Ala Moana Shopping Center.
I'm not just some random Haole Boy! .... ; )
Mark, LOL.
where was Chunky's?
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