Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Cy's Akule Poke

Per Cy:  Akule, limu kohu, kukui nut, sesame oil, onion and Lan's smoked chili pepper salt.  Lots of work but worth it.



Anonymous said...

Looks onolicious!


Honolulu Aunty said...

Akule! That is a surprise. Lots of bones to navigate through. Must be ono!

Susan said...

That looks so good!!

Chet Colson said...

Wow,he put in some good ingredients. Never had akule poke. However, my grandmother use to make Lomi Akule. Simple,she add green onions and chili pepper water. Finally,lomi the akule🐟 . Brok da mout.

K and S said...

ooh different but sounds ono

jalna said...

Looks potent to me. 🤭

jalna said...

So authentic!

jalna said...


jalna said...

I think maybe Wendell’s dad made something like that. Sounds familiar.

Anonymous said...

Cy's stuff usually looks so ono as does this but I no can nope nope nope LOL

jalna said...


Dd said...

hummm.....skin on ???

jalna said...

LOL. Me too.

jalna said...

So potent.