Thursday, August 1, 2024

Fred Update

First, Fred is a girl.  For sure.  Landon caught her and her boyfriend "doing it" several times already.

Then, I just wanted to let you know that Fred still shows up in the mornings for her mealworms.  She doesn't hang out in her house anymore, but will usually appear when she hears me raking.



Honolulu Aunty said...

Fred(a) has adopted you. I wonder where she will lay her eggs.

Anonymous said...

still, how does one figure out which is girl by catching them doing it? Boy on top?
Ahhh, now gotta call her Fredericka

Anonymous said...

Haha! Fred is a Freda! So funny how you figured it out.


Anonymous said...

J, I love Fred or is it Fred Ann or Fred Lynn. I love her name!!! My own house lizard(s) remain reclusive. I usually see a flash of tail before they disappear but I think they account for the disappearance of a bad ant infestation I had. Hopefully Fred has a lotta kids in your yard. -N p.s. 54 lbs is a lot!!

K and S said...


jalna said...

Aunty, we've already seen a bunch of cute little Freds around the yard.

V, yup!

Izsmom, I always suspected Fred was a girl 'cause, you know, she's so clever. ๐Ÿ˜

N, so far Kai and Fred been getting along. Mostly Fred digs out when Kai goes near her.

Kat, ๐Ÿ˜‚

Susan said...

Your reptile relationship with Fred amazes me !

jalna said...

Susan, Fred is very special.