Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Kai's New Fave Toy

I saw this tip for making a fun toy for Kai on YouTube.  He loves it.  He even runs away from me with it if he thinks I'm gonna take it away from him.  😁


You can click on the photo below to watch a short video.  BTW, you might notice a couple of elevated trash containers in the video.  Kai found and ate a Clorox wipe (or two) from the trash awhile back so now they're on pedestals.

  fave toy


Anonymous said...

Oh maybe I’ll try make that for our two doggies to play with, and yup one of our doggies got caught eating a chicken wing bone from the trash can! Had to call vet, but because she’s not a small dog the vet said she should be ok, but to monitor for any changes, thankfully she’s ok.


Dd said...

am soooo surprised treats dont all fall out ??? hummmm

Honolulu Aunty said...

Cool! It is a toy that gives. My toy of choice is my credit card, lol.

Anonymous said...

Kai got that idea from Trump? Clorox lol?
Just like toddlers, you buy toys and they love what's in the kitchen cabinet.
I get a kick watching him grow and play but no I'm restraining from getting a pet. I'll just get my puppy fix watching Kai!
Bonny OGG

Anonymous said...

J, so ingenious!! Simple but fun. I always had to elevate my trash cans because they did what Kai does, which is LOL but hazardous. What happens when he gets counter level though :D. N

K and S said...

what’s inside? dry food? So creative!

Susan said...

Oh no! Clorox wipes ? Hope he’s ok!

Chet Colson said...

I'm glad Kai never got sick from eating the chlorox wipes.

jalna said...

Yikes. Kai will run away from us when he finds something that he's not supposed to have.

jalna said...

They do fall out. Sometimes little by little. Sometimes lots. LOL.

jalna said...


jalna said...

I forgot how hard puppies are. Keeps me on my toes.

jalna said...

I know!! So hard to keep one step ahead.

jalna said...

Yah! Kibble.

jalna said...

He had soft poop for a few days, but mostly he was okay.

jalna said...

Me too!