Saturday, August 31, 2024

Kai's Puzzle Toy

Kai loves this puzzle toy and gets all excited when I'm prepping it with treats.  It's the opposite of Kona who had no interest in his toy at all.  You can check out Kona's reaction to his toy here


I hide pumpkin/apple treats in the puzzle and Kai needs to uncover them to enjoy. IMG_8440
  You can click on the photo below to watch a video.


Anonymous said...

My two doggies are like Kona! LOL Not interested at all at the puzzle toy we got for them. At least Kai loves it.


Honolulu Aunty said...

Hurray! SO glad when he finally got the last one. I thought for sure he wouldn't. I would probably starve.

K and S said...

so smart! this toy looks a little easier than kona’s

DrumMajor said...

Wow! That's a busy puzzle. He might chew one of those pieces off! Linda in Kansas

Susan said...

I should get one of those for our dogs!

Chet Colson said...

Interesting learning tool.

jalna said...

I think Kona was scared of it. LOL.

jalna said...

I'm glad too, for the sake of the video. I was silently cheering him on.

jalna said...

Kai's toy has more slots. So more treats!

jalna said...

I'm hoping he doesn't destroy it soon.

jalna said...

I wonder how dogs could share doing it.

jalna said...

Kai just loves it!