Friday, January 20, 2017

Krispy Kreme Ice Cream Sushi

I'm on Maui today (!!), and so I thought it fitting to share this video with you on how to make a 10,000,000 calorie dessert using Krispy Kreme doughnuts! 


Chet Colson said...

OMG...that's what you call a "haole sushi".....ha!!! Enjoy Maui, my relatives live in Kula. Here today,gone to Maui.

Susan said...

That is the most awesome sushi I've ever seen made, lol!!

Honolulu Aunty said...

Dunno about dat. Too dang dangerous!

jalna said...

Chet, we were mostly in the Kula area.

Good sushi chef yah, Susan.

No can right, Aunty?!

Leslie's pics said...

WOW....looks yummy!!

jalna said...

Maybe one bite is okay, Les.