Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Bath Day

Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 9.46.11 AM


Anonymous said...

Aww!!! He’s so cute and ready to play!


Honolulu Aunty said...

With a golf ball in his mouth? He sure got big!

Anonymous said...

J, your water baby. Does he go into the water everyday. How much does he weigh now. -N

Craig S said...

Be careful about the golf ball. My uncles dog died from choking.

Chet Colson said...

Aw.. Kai wants to play with the ball.

jalna said...

Izsmom, that's my distraction. LOL.

Aunty, growing so fast!

N, not everyday. I empty out the pool right after. It's a pain trying to dry him 'cause he only wants to play tug with the towels, so once he's dried off, I don't want him getting wet again for another week! He was 46 pounds the last time we weighed him!

Craig, OMG, thank you for the warning. I was beginning to worry about it, and now I know for sure, no golf balls for Kai.

Chet, he loves to stick his nose in the water and blow bubbles trying to get stuff out.

K and S said...

in the pool! so cute