Guess what! After several days of searching I found Poki II. He was kinda in the area that I had released him. I brought him back "home" to be away from the wind and rain.

I took my heavy-duty Canon 5D II out of retirement to try and get macro shots of him. It wasn't easy because he's still so tiny, maybe not even 1/4 inch long. But I did get one good shot. His brother is even tinier.
Do you know what kind of butterfly/moth he will become?
Rescued caterpillars ? That’s a first! Lol
Aunty, I think the first Pokipine was a Kamehameha butterfly, but it came from a different plant than this one. This one is from a citrus plant.
Susan, hahahahaha. I know. So weird.
I found this about the Kamehameha butterfly, which was on the endangered list.
So cute, the way they eat. They like mamaki leaves. Rats! I just gave a big plant away to my pal Wandaful.
they make plany doo doo!
J, like Rescue Butterflies
Though they are essential pollinators. Good grief, that camera is so good!BTW , that DD's sweet sour soup looks ono, but so many steps. -n
Aunty, it's okay. I used to have two mamaki plants. They both died even though I tried to take extra good care of them.
V, ho, lots. Good thing they tiny. LOL.
N, I can't believe I used to lug that camera around with me everyday. It weighs a ton.
Looks like a tiny land version namako.
Erick, it does yah!
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