Saturday, March 6, 2021

Cleta's Nasubi Ko-Ko

Cleta gave me this bottle of nasubi (eggplant) ko-ko on Sunday.  What she didn't know was that I had just tried to make something similar but had failed.  Mine was an eggplant misozuke which turned out just "meh". 


Cleta's on the other hand is so so so so ono.  I told her that I'm gonna rinse mine and add it to her shiru later.  Thanks for sharing the recipe, Cleta!!

Long nasubi, cut into chunks or thin 1/4-inch slices.
Sprinkle with table salt and press down for about 3/4 day.
Squeeze out excess water then add:

3/4 cup shoyu
1 cup white sugar
1/4 cup Japanese vinegar
1/4 tsp. dry mustard

According to taste, use more or less sugar and mustard.  Refrigerate and let soak for a couple of days before eating.

Sliced, salted daikon is really good in this too.


Anonymous said...

Oh it looks so oishii. I love pickled nasubi! I can do this recipe.


jalna said...

Izsmom, you're gonna like it!!

Honolulu Aunty said...

I gotta try. Am growing eggplants in pots and will use those. Mahalo for a good one!

Susan said...

Mmm that looks delicious!

jalna said...

Aunty, that is so cool!

Susan, can't wait to try and make it myself!

Erick said...

I love pickled eggplant. Looks simple, I going try. Tanks for the recipe.

jalna said...

Erick, hope you do get to make it. It's so good!

Erick said...

I made it, was so ONO! It taste exactly like this little whole eggplant the sushi chef at Sushi Bistro used to give us at the end of the night. He used to get from someone in Maui. Now I can make my own.

jalna said...

Erick, thanks for letting me know! I'll tell Cleta.