When my family came over to open Christmas presents last weekend, my sister Geri brought a huge hibiscus flower for Wendell's sister.

A few days later the flower withered and I threw it away. As I was rinsing out the vase that she brought the flower in, I noticed this etched on the bottom of it. I decided to investigate. I couldn't believe what I found.

It is a vintage (1960ish) Danish vase designed by master glass designer Per Lütken for the Holmegaard Glass Factory. Similar "15731" pieces are valued at $184.
I texted Geri and asked her how much she paid for the vase. She said she probably paid no more than $3 for it at the swap meet. I told her what I discovered and said that I would give her back the vase. No fair I keep um, yah.

Geri's husband said that soon after, he saw her looking on the bottoms of all her other vases. So funny!
Tomorrow I'll show you one of MY swap meet finds.
HOLY MOLY!!! That's awesome!! Score!
Totally, Les!
Here I am, trying to clean up the house but now this has got me going and thinking that maybe I need to go to the swap meet too...
oh em gee!!
J: your own 'boring" Antique Roadshow! Whatta find - I'd also look closely at any painting too, ya nevah know! My own side story - I worked at a hotel that my management company took over and there was shiploads (really) of stuff like all restaurant stuff that we don't need since we don't operate restaurants. My boss had found a painting and said put it on the construction barricade wall since it was blank and this was a Haw'n scene. So it sat exposed to everything on Kalakaua Ave. right across from Waikiki Beach. The old restaurant had antique seeming stuff, even an old Victoria that boss loved. We called in an appraiser so maybe the new owner could make some money. His prized Victoria was worth nothing, too damaged, too termite eaten. Then the appraiser turned to him and said outta all this stuff all of it is junk. What you have of value is that painting out on the street. Why do you have it out in the open. It was by an original by a famous local painter and worth thousands of dollars! Boss took it right down and had it sold. Anyone could have stolen that at anytime - they probably thought nah, it gotta be a fake cuz who would put a valuable painting out in the street. -N
Wow what a gorgeous vase!!! I am glad you discovered its value. Geri must be even happier.
Wow! Lucky! So pretty! I love the shape.
LOL, don't do it, Aunty. Going swap meet shopping is counter productive to house cleaning.
For real yah, Kat!
OMG, N!!!
Me too, Celia . . . I'm so glad we know now.
It feels good in the hands too, Akemi.
Who woulda known!!!...pshhh, and you call yourself and this blog boring???
LOL, Susan!!
Nice looking vase. Looks to nice to sell.
Mmissee, it's funny but it looked even prettier to me after I found out its value.
That is a gorgeous vase. It really is! You are a good sister to give it back to her. You mean she didn't say, "Nah... you can keep it."? Now you're making me want to go to a swap meet.
Hahahahaha, no she didn't say that, Kay.
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