All of my Amazon orders are delivered to my working place because it's the most convenient for me.
Last month, Wendell ordered some running boards as a Christmas present for Landon to use on his truck. Worried that they would be too big and heavy for me to transport home, I asked Wendell about the size. He assured me that I could handle.
When the running boards arrived, I asked a coworker to take this photo with my phone so that I could send it to Wendell so that he could see that most assuredly I could not handle and most assuredly he would be coming to pick them up.

this is too funny, what he went said when he got your picture?
OMG, you are too clever, and too funny! I just busted out laughing when I saw the photo. Good one!
Haha, you so dramatic, how many pounds was it? LOL!
Too funny!
That is hilarious!
LOL!! I just love you Jalna!
Wassup wit dem husbands? Tanks for da belly laffs about da box. Went crack me up an make my day!
thats hilarious!
We can only hope he doesn't pack you up in one of those boxes and send it somewhere...if he does you might suggest
OK! So you made me laugh out loud! ; )
Jenny, all he said was, "I'll come get em." At least he got the point. LOL.
Hahahaha. Thanks Lorna.
Mich, not "a ton", but still kinda heavy.
:) Kay.
I laughed when I saw the box, Myra.
LOL, thanks Alibaba.
Welcome, Anon! LOL!!!
Thanks, Dean.
Hahahaha . . . I would totally pick Japan, Anon!
Yippee, Mark!
dang that is big! probably wouldn't fit in your car too...
Ha ha ha ha ha! Love you Jalna!
j Oh man you are a riot..truly one pix is worth a thousands words....cuz if you talked to him there would be a long talk about how REALLY big it is. should submit to humor sites.N
So was no problem. Right?
Kat, for real!
LOL, thanks Akemi.
N, had to prove it, right?
HAHAHAHAHA, YES problem, Erick!!
Wait, what happened to those boring posts you said you were gonna do?? You know this pic is in my brain and I'm laughing like a dumbo when I think of it, ppl around me gonna throw me in the looney bin soon. Ima gonna print this pic and bring it to work. No more bad days at work for me!
Susan, boring posts coming up . . . for sure. LOL!!! I'm happy I made you laugh!
AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAA!! I wish I saw you taking this picture...was Lauren there? She must've been dying!!
LOL, Les. No, Lauren was off that day.
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