MW Restaurant – Honolulu, HI
We had a gift card for MW Restaurant so we came for a little holiday
dinner. What a nice treat! We enjoyed ourselves very much and the food was
ono! Liliko...
4 hours ago
Proud mommy status!
LOL, for sure, Mich!
So sweet, congratulations butterfly mama!
j: I seriously thought maybe it'll turned in a giant black moth. Better than the goose/swan fairytale. So cool that we can see pixs. Congratulations!
How awesome!
Those are about the most beautiful colors for a butterfly that I have ever seen! Very fun blog topic Jalna! And I don't ever recall seeing one like that on Oahu.
Thank you, Aunty!!
Pretty yah, Susan.
Mark, I never really noticed this butterfly before myself!
N, you would expect an ugly black moth to come outta that cocoon yah!
Ya know! With those huge antennas, I bet he can pick up Hilo TV stations! ; )
OMG! so exciting. glad he didn't die.
I'm so happy he turned out so pretty cause that was one UHHHGLY caterpillar!! Congrats!
Funny, Mark!
Me too, Kat!
AND ugly coccoon too, Les.
...hehe. Well I said that Jalna because way back before cable TV, at our house on Diamond Head, we could not watch Honolulu TV Stations with our standard TV rabbit ears. Diamond Head blocked the signal. So Dad bought a very large pole and huge TV antenna. We put it on our roof and aimed it toward Maui and the Big Island! And guess what? We got TV! And you know what? The signal was still delayed, because it came from Honolulu then sent to Hilo and Maui and then back to us on Oahu via our massive TV antenna. We must have been way ahead of our time to figure dat one out, Ya?!! ; )
Mark! That totally reminds me of something my coworker told me a long time ago that I thought was so cool. She's from Hana and was boarding here while going to school waaaaaay back in the day. She told me that their TV reception was horrible except on Kona wind days. Huh? Right? Well, she explained, on Kona wind days the airplanes took a different flight pattern and somehow the signals bounced off the planes and gave them better reception!!! Izdat cool or what!
That is really cool! And something that she could actually figure that one out!
At our house, later our Diamond Head community made a new rule that there were to be no TV antennas on the roof. So I helped Dad out, and I stuffed that huge antenna in our attic above our garage and it still worked just as good.
Oh my gosh! He's so pretty. I don't think I've ever seen a butterfly like that in Hawaii.
Wow! Beautiful! I'm glad you caught it's transformation!
Surprised me too, Kay!
I'm glad too, Akemi.
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