I named the caterpillar Pokipine.
Pokipine spent last night crawling around and crawling around trying to find a good spot to hang from. I transferred him from the mayonnaise jar to a plastic container with a cover. I figured he would like to attach himself to the flat cover.
But nooooo. He picked this vine. It's so weak and slack. I ended up scotch taping the two ends to the container so that it would be more taut. Hope he'll be okay.

Oh no, that doesn't seem like it's going to last!
I'm curious. I've never heard of that kind of butterfly.
I'm going to do this for my class in the spring. It's so neat!
i know, Mich. I'm worried.
Me too, Kay!
I think the kids will love watching it, Susan.
Yah, Kat!
So if you were marooned on an uninhabited tropical island, could you eat them? ; )
Actually Mark, my nephew said that they're poisonous to eat, but even if they weren't I wouldn't eat um. My family will tell you that I'm not adventurous when it comes to food.
Well, I think the spiny thingies are the first clue. They look like they are from Africa. At least not native to Hawaii. I have never seen one in Hawaii ever before.
That's one scary caterpillar.
From Africa? Fascinating. You named the caterpillar? You're so cute!
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