The instructions say to knead the bag for about 15 seconds and then microwave for about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. Don't do like some people who don't read the directions good and knead for 2 minutes and microwave for 15 seconds.

All three flavors have mushroom and vegetables in them. This one is the Szechwan style. It kinda shocked da hell outa me . . . was ono! I brought it to work today and it went really well with CQ's shoyu chicken.

You mean it's not supposed to be crunchy??? ;D
You always manage to find the cool stuffs at Don Quiote and I shop there every week!! It looks really good in your photo that I think I'll go and get some.. hope there's some left..so is this in the rice section?
Les, it was soooo much better after I microwaved it like the directions said. . . thanks for actually reading it for me.
Shun Wah, I don't even know what section. It's so hard finding stuff in there, yeah!
That looks easy and ono! I hope SW can finds it, then she can tell me what section it is in. Thanks for try all this interesting stuff.
I'm sorry, the mere mention of brown rice turns my stomach. Gerry would like this though. Alot of restaurants here offer brown rice with their meals. I have too many bad memories of having to eat it in elementary school (government rations). I'm glad you enjoyed it though! :)
Erick, it's just my style . . . fast and easy.
Betty, I like brown rice. It's not as starchy as white rice and has a nutty flavor. Maybe you should try again . . . kinda hard though when your stomach's turning.
SW....when I bought it, it was where they normally have "sampling" by the musubi making place, but was so early in the morning, was not time for sampling yet. Mishima is the same brand that makes furikake.
the subplot is hillarious.
. . . took me awhile but . . . . AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
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