She also got me this scone too. I brought it home (just so you know that I didn't eat everything at one time). It was good too.

She got it from City Cafe on Makaloa, and at that time they had a buy-one-get-one-free sale. I think the sale is pau already . . . but maybe not . . . go check 'um out!

Yum, that looks so good! Must try it out.
Don't forget to pick up for me too.
looks ono :)
Kat, it was!
Yum, yum!! Your shaved ice looks interesting. Far cry from the shaved ice I had as a kid.
Betty, it sure has evolved yeah!
Where's this located on Makaloa St.? I'm trying to think.
You know mmiissee, I haven't been there myself, so I don't really know.
based on google maps, say you're going down the ramp from ala moana heading towards the mountains on keeaumoku; make the first right turn after you pass/cross kapiolani and it'll be on your left. just use google map and type in 1518F Makaloa Street honolulu.....
Ahhh, sounds like where the Soon Do Bu place is.
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