In answer to RonW's question on how I clean my lenses, this is what I use. On the left is a LensPen which I've been using for the past few years and on the right is a Leica cleaning cloth which I used for the first time today.
The LensPen has won several product awards including Accessory of the Year. I use the brush end first to brush off any dust or particles that might be stuck on the lens. Then I use the other side to remove smudges. It works really well, and because it's so portable, I always have one with me. I usually order it from B & H Photo whenever I order other supplies, but I remember buying a generic version once from Longs Drugs awhile back. It's about $10.
This Leica lens cleaner cloth worked really well today too, but it was expensive for just a cloth - $12 online. I think one of those eyeglass cleaning cloths might work just as well.
I also wanted to show you my "photo studio". Wendell had new windows installed around our house, and now I got this beautiful light coming into our bedroom. I'm not sure if maybe it's especially nice because it's reflected off the neighbor's house, but I love it. Wendell wanted to tint the windows too, but I hope he doesn't. I put a big poster board on the bed, and use that to put stuff on.
thankx sharing your knowledge. It may be second nature to the experienced photographer but novices don't really know the proper things to use to clean their camera lens, except window cleaners, perhaps, lol. We'll get there. Those block walls in your atelier (french for studio....I went fine arts school), gonna put the termites and roaches out off business.
Ron, I'm still not sure what the real pros do to clean their lenses. I always wondered if the pen is doing some minute damage to my lenses that I cannot see.
Susie, so funny, the sheets are reddish I guess. Did you notice that I cleaned up the top of the dressers (sort of).
I neglected to visit the LensPen link which has a treasure trove of how-to videos on the sidebar!! Do people actually link to another website for a reason.
Wow Ron, I linked it but never did check out the video myself until just now. They even have a "how to" on cleaning the camera sensor which I've been wondering about.
for about $30, you can get your canon cleaned at the office near ward; seems like a good idea; something to do every year; compared to the price of the camera body, it seems like a small fee to pay to keep your equipment in good shape...
now as far as wishes go, i wish i could pay $30 to immediately reach your skill level jalna!
ps: before i bought my lens pen, i went to the amazon site and it appears that there are some sellers who sell products that look just like "the" lens pen but aren't so be careful; also, i initially bought one from wal-mart but it's not the "real" lens pen... sigh...
Rand, you're so right. It's well worth $30 to have my camera properly cleaned. You'd cringe if you knew how rough I am with my equipment, especially since I prefer prime lenses and I change lenses on the fly very quickly, just dumping the lenses in my shoulder bag without even capping them properly.
this and that
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October 2, 2019
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thankx sharing your knowledge. It may be second nature to the experienced photographer but novices don't really know the proper things to use to clean their camera lens, except window cleaners, perhaps, lol. We'll get there. Those block walls in your atelier (french for studio....I went fine arts school), gonna put the termites and roaches out off business.
NIce!!! Is that red sheets or pink???
Ron, I'm still not sure what the real pros do to clean their lenses. I always wondered if the pen is doing some minute damage to my lenses that I cannot see.
Susie, so funny, the sheets are reddish I guess. Did you notice that I cleaned up the top of the dressers (sort of).
Nice photo studio, very hi-tech! This time I not so Jellos. Nice food photos.
Erick, nice light yah!
I neglected to visit the LensPen link which has a treasure trove of how-to videos on the sidebar!! Do people actually link to another website for a reason.
Wow Ron, I linked it but never did check out the video myself until just now. They even have a "how to" on cleaning the camera sensor which I've been wondering about.
for about $30, you can get your canon cleaned at the office near ward; seems like a good idea; something to do every year; compared to the price of the camera body, it seems like a small fee to pay to keep your equipment in good shape...
now as far as wishes go, i wish i could pay $30 to immediately reach your skill level jalna!
ps: before i bought my lens pen, i went to the amazon site and it appears that there are some sellers who sell products that look just like "the" lens pen but aren't so be careful; also, i initially bought one from wal-mart but it's not the "real" lens pen... sigh...
Rand, you're so right. It's well worth $30 to have my camera properly cleaned. You'd cringe if you knew how rough I am with my equipment, especially since I prefer prime lenses and I change lenses on the fly very quickly, just dumping the lenses in my shoulder bag without even capping them properly.
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