Coworker Susan's husband, Lincoln, has perfected his chili peppa water so that it's juuuust right in flavor . . . a little bit of ginger, a little bit of garlic and just enough spicy kick. I asked Susan for the recipe and Lincoln e-mailed it to me:
Here is da recipe ........simple recipe as all ingredients (easy kind fo rememba) are in twos, except for the chili peppas.
8-10 Hawaiian red chili peppas
2 teaspoons white viniga
2 garlic clove, sliced
2 quarter-sized slices fresh ginga, bruised (optional)
1-2 teaspoons sea (Hawaiian) or kosher salt
2 cups hot water (not boiling)
Place all ingredients into a pan and pour hot water over. Let it stand & cool for about an hour. Once cooled, pour into a slightly larger than pint-sized glass jar or bottle. Cap and store in refrigerator.
Let it sit over night to develop da flavors. Keep refrigerated.

THANKS LINCOLN!!! And thanks CQ fo helping me with the shot. You da bomb assistant!
Pretty chili pepper water. So cute!
So pretty yeah!! That's CQ . . . first she did the flower arrangement, then she moved one wall panel so that my background would be nice and then she shook the bottle so all the ingredients would be floating. So nice to have one assistant.
nice and spicy!
You got one fantastic assistant there. I don't chili pepper water ever looked so good!! lol!!
Kat, it was really juuuuust right!
Betty, CQ's not just the best photography assistant, she is awesome with our real job too.
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