What was that? A flash?
this and that
Tokyo People: thought this woman's coat was interesting looking Kabukicho
peopleKabukicho people: this guy's shoes looked super heavy and hard to
walk inni...
9 hours ago
hahahahahahahahahaha......omg, I hope you just posted the bloopers and ended up with a money shot! I love how the captions totally matched the photos. Really laughing out loud here. :D
They're so cute! I like the 11th picture the most, BUT all of the pictures came out great!!! Surprising it wasn't a difficult photo shoot....ya know how some little kids are.
OMG!!! OH DA CUTE!!! You are way too funny and those kids are adorable. Whose are they anyway???
Josefina, I had fun doing it too, but I think the mom might end up having to do a bloopers Christmas card!
I know mmiissee, sooo cute!
Susie, they're Wendell's good friend's grandkids.
man, that's gatta be the toughest kind of shot to get; i mean, of kids. was your money shot really tight to cut out the background stuff? which lens did you use for the shoot? my hat's off to you (again) ;-)
Rand, I'm still working on the pictures and no more money shot yet. No worry too much though, 'cause I do this for love . . . no money. But still, cross your fingers. And you're right, I probably gotta crop real tight. I used my 85mm.
to reveal my ignorance, when you say you used your 85mm, i'm surprised; why? cuz i think of 55mm as kinda "long" so 85mm is even "longer"; when i think of close shots, i think of something like 20mm or 35mm; so much to learn! (today, i took some pictures of my daughter's kindergarten class and i used my 50mm and i really had to step BACK to get a bunch of kids in the shot!)
Ha, ha, ha, these are so funny and so cute! Great shots, these are the kind of shots you show when they are adults. I just love how you inspire the kids to have their photos taken. I think this new style will really catch on. Great pictures!
LOL! looks like it was hard work :)
Absolutely adorable!!
Rand, me and Leslie were just talking about "best portrait lens" so I googled it. It seems less distortion is gotten when you use a longer than wider lens. So for a zoom the professionals prefer the 70-200mm. When you're talking group shots though, I think it's different.
Erick, I realize with kids you kinda have to all kinds of stuff to deep them focused.
I know Betty, so cute yeah!
Kat, it was so much fun!! Luckily, I'm doing it for free so there's really no stress.
That's SOOOOOO funny and so cute! Love all the expressions you got! Good thing you got atleast one good shot!
OMG, Jalna! These shots are soooooo adorable! I've already looked at them a couple of times today b/c I needed a laugh! Thanks!
Thanks Fawn and Shun Wah! I agree they're sooo cute, and I just love the expressions too!
that's interesting; makes sense but i wonder how far away a person has to be if he/she uses a zoom lens? like i said, when i used just my 50mm lens, i had to step wayyyyy back to get the shot i wanted!
like everyone else here, checking your blog for your update is now becoming a daily ritual ;-)
I know what you mean Rand. Sometimes there just isn't enough room to use the longer lenses. Btw, I really appreciate you dropping by. I love your feedback.
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