Susie, I wish you were with us. Me, Erick and Hiromi were walking to our cars after a shoot when I noticed the light filtering through some trees onto a bench. It was light a spotlight. Hiromi graciously agreed to be our model. Isn't she beautiful!
Honestly Rand, most of the time I don't know what da hell I'm doing. I take choke shots to get what I want. Sometimes I haven't a clue on where to start so I just press the shutter and work from there. Trust me, all you gotta do is carry your camera with you wherever you go and whenever you get the chance, click away. Keep clicking and you're bound to learn a few tricks or two here and there.
Thanks Shun Wah and Celia. I'm sure you two would've noticed the bench too. The lighting only lasted a few minutes but it was heavily spotlighted and very eye catching.
this and that
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Alii Fish Market – Moilili, HI
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Descanso Gardens, 4/2/24
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still rolling in! It's not Uranus Gotta stop and smell the sunrise! Cotton
Delhi - Day 9
October 2, 2019
We had another full day in Delhi before we leave for Varanasi tomorrow.
Subie met us once again to take us on a mini tour around Delhi. ...
Another WOW. OMG the lightening!!!
beautiful photos!
Susie, I wish you were with us. Me, Erick and Hiromi were walking to our cars after a shoot when I noticed the light filtering through some trees onto a bench. It was light a spotlight. Hiromi graciously agreed to be our model. Isn't she beautiful!
Thanks Kat!!
Should have come and dragged the kids with me!!!
Susie, yeah you shoulda come.
once again, you were able to capitalize on the lighting to get a great shot; i m not worthy!!!!
Honestly Rand, most of the time I don't know what da hell I'm doing. I take choke shots to get what I want. Sometimes I haven't a clue on where to start so I just press the shutter and work from there. Trust me, all you gotta do is carry your camera with you wherever you go and whenever you get the chance, click away. Keep clicking and you're bound to learn a few tricks or two here and there.
Thanks Betty!
WOW...beautiful shot! you noticed the lighting situation even when you were just walking to the car.. a true photographer mind...very cool!
I also like this beautiful picture of Hiromi. The lighting is awesome!
I think your banner also has great lighting!
Thanks Shun Wah and Celia. I'm sure you two would've noticed the bench too. The lighting only lasted a few minutes but it was heavily spotlighted and very eye catching.
Incredible shot! The lighting is amazaing, it highlights her face perfectly. You are truly the master of light. Fabulous job!
Thanks Erick, but I am only a master wannabe.
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