It was Brandee's birthday today.
this and that
Tokyo People: thought this woman's coat was interesting looking Kabukicho
peopleKabukicho people: this guy's shoes looked super heavy and hard to
walk inni...
8 hours ago
Looks like Green River or lemon lime. I can't imagine shiso and Pepsi together. Nice reaction shots!
It had a very different flavor. Hard to describe.
Hmmmm... Interesting! I'm going to have to give it a try! Gotta find it first!
Hey i, they do have it on eBay for $4.
Man! I can't believe I missed that!! :( The one day I come in late to work....
Sorry Les, if I ever get another bottle I'll be sure to remember to share with you.
Jalna, Thanks for the info! I'll give e-bay a try if I don't find it in any of the Japanese Supermarkets around here.
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