I'd been wanting to make a watercolor sketchbook for awhile, but it remained in the thinking-about-it stage for the longest time. I envisioned using 100% cotton watercolor paper which I got from Ross awhile back.
I finally gave it a try last month.

For the cover I splattered some white ink onto cardstock.
Here's the ink. Also, this is the washi tape that I used to cover the side binding.
Here's what the stitching on the binding looks like. This is actually a test book that I made using scrap lightweight cardstock.
I used this tofu press that I got at the swap meet to press the pages together after I applied glue. I usually use the press to make scratch paper pads.
Here's a quick look showing the inside of the sketchbook.
This is the YouTube tutorial that I followed.
I've actually made a few more books. I used to wonder why people would go through the trouble of sewing pages together when you can just buy already-made books for pretty cheap. I realize now that it's fun to do!
That is just too cool! I want to make books now. Nice how it lies so flat when you open the pages. Of course, it also helps that you have such nifty wide washi tape.
J, WHOA you have a professional set-up in your home. Pretty book. I do like the converted tofu press. Reminds me when I went for my general clerical degree at KCC,we were taught how to make scratch paper using the same method. I was told over 10 years ago only Kauai offered such classes. Talk about feeling like a dinosaur!!-N
Nice! You are so talented.
Excellent Jalna. Your book turned out so professional.
Hey, you open a publishing company. Neato, using the tofu press to hold down.
Aunty, I hope you get to try.
N, LOL, lately I always feel dinosaur-ish.
Kat, neat yah.
Izsmom, thanks!
Celia, thank you!
Chet, as soon as I saw that tofu press at the swap meet, I had plans for it.
You are so talented!!
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