Saturday, January 1, 2022

"Happy" New Year

Here's a music video that I made for my working place a few years back using Pharrell Williams' song Happy.  It was actually my introduction into movie making.  Putting it together was challenging and super fun as you'll see in the Bloopers at the end.

Wishing y'all a "Happy" 2022!!  Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Love it! What a fun group to work with! NHauoli Makahiki Hou! 🎉🎍🎊🥳🎇


ricqueo said...

Happy New Year Jalna! This was a wonderful way to start my 1st morning of the new year, what a charming video, I'm still smiling as a result...all the best in 2022....YAY!!!

jalna said...

Izsmom, I miss them a lot!

Hey Ric, so nice to hear from you. Glad you enjoyed the video!

Anonymous said...

J, loved and laughed at the vid. What cool guys that they agreed to do this.I think you did a great movie. I lol at the guy in the white coat with the gal. Perhaps he's a closet engineer, where everything is precise. BTW Wendall's recipes appeared on FB, in a group with Hawaii recipes. All credit went to your website, with a link to it. Last one was Wendall's beef tomato. Happy New Year. N

DNakamaru said...

Great video and hilarious bloopers!!!
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy new year!
Love this!

K and S said...

happy new year!

jalna said...

N, thanks. That segment was so funny. The gal who runs that FB site contacted me awhile back and ask for permission to share.

Dean! Happy New Year to you too!!

V, thanks!

Kat, you too!

Kalin's Mommy said...

OMG, hahahahaha! Awesome memory! Happy New Year !

Honolulu Aunty said...

Hope you don't mind but I just had to post your video as my Happy New Year post of the year. You make us all HAPPY!

Anonymous said...

Loved the video! You really did a good job putting it together. The people you worked with are great. They must miss you too as much as you miss them. Happy New Year!! ~e

jalna said...

Mich, I know!!! So nostalgic!!

Aunty, I saw! Thanks for sharing!

E, thank you!!!

Susan said...

Aww, such a fun group & video! Happy New Year to you and yours!

jalna said...

Susan, you too!!!