Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Diet Update

It's been 3 months, and I lost 14 pounds!   

I'm 6 pounds away from my goal of losing 20 pounds, but . . . even after losing the 20 pounds my BMI will still put me in the "overweight" class.  How rude, right?!  


But anyway, here's the best thing that happened.  I went for my blood test a few days ago.  My cholesterol results have never been better!  And with my doctor's approval I stopped taking my high blood pressure medicine about a month ago.  My daily readings were getting pretty low even at a half dose, and my occasional lightheadedness was worrisome to me.

10-2 lipid

My blood glucose only improved slightly and my A1C at 6.0 still puts me in the prediabetic range.  I'm thinking that maybe I have to start doing some weight-bearing exercises, so that my liver (or was it pancreas?) sends the sugar from my blood to my muscles for energy (something like that).

My mobility continues to improve, which is the reason I started this in the first place.  It's easier getting around and up and down.  My knees are doing better.   

K den.  That's it for now.   


Anonymous said...

Simply Maaahvalous!!! So happy for you!

Thanks to you, I've forced myself to start walking again but only managing 1 day. I do try to go at least 2 hours though. Only dropped about 2 lbs.

jenny said...

Oh my gosh this is great news! You worked hard and it is paying off, I am so proud of you! I think I need to add more workouts to my regimen too...but also stop eating good food but I can't stop eating good food. The choices we have to make!!

Anonymous said...

Terrific! Congratulations!


K and S said...

Glad your knees are better!

Anonymous said...

J, wow congrats!! I wanna be at 140+. That'll be a dream.Your clothes must be suppa loose now. Yay!! Sooo happy for you. And kinda jealous, but good kine jealous:D It's tough losing weight at our age so jump for joy, umm.. if you can;) N

Honolulu Aunty said...

Hurray! You are making such great effort to get in better health!

I need that. I am so lazy and take everything for granted that even though my numbers are sliding, I still fee fine and so do nothing. I have a Zaaz machine that supposedly takes the place of exercising. I bought it for our dear strange friend who has diabetes, failing kidneys, overweight, and dementia. But then he didn't even use it so I took it from him and occasionally go on it. I basically just vibrates and tells me that I took over 3000 steps. Hmmm. Instead of me, my daughter goes on and I must admit she lost a lot of weight but also got toned.

Maybe I'll go on it so I can het better again. Thanks for the nudge and your progress!

Susan said...

Losing weight seems to have good benefits!

Anonymous said...

Wow Jalna, that's awesome! I'm stuck at 4 pounds like forever. Keep it up. The best thing about this is your numbers.
Bonny from ogg

Chet Colson said...

You go girlfriend !!! Great numbers, keep up the good work. I'm jealous. I took a blood test last month, your cholesterol level is better than mine. My results: Cholesterol 191, HDL(good) 80, LDL(bad) 100. My numbers are still good. Took my blood pressure this morning: 119/72-74. Feel blessed that I'm not on statins and high blood pressures medications, because they have side effects. My mother's side of the family has a history of high blood pressure and strokes; so I have to be very careful even though my numbers are below the threshold. Glad you've lost weight as well, which correlated to the good number results. Congratulations, treat yourself to a cream puff.

Kalin's Mommy said...

I tried to comment yesterday, but kept getting an error message!

Yay, awesome job on your dieting! I like your determination, which I need! Haha.

When we got home last night, my free covid kits arrived too, but still waiting for Len's box.

Annie said...

Good job!!!

jalna said...

V, thanks! Unreal how you and Patty can walk far. I only manage to do 30-minute strolls. I think it's probably harder for you to lose because you're not overweight like me.

Jenny, I know!! But for me it was now or never to try and get healthy.

Izsmom, thanks!

Kat, me too.

Aunty, I had to google "Zaaz machine". Glad you took it back if he wasn't using it. Sounds like a good thing, especially if it helped your daughter.

Susan, the cholesterol numbers so surprised me.

Bonny, I hit plateaus for weeks where the scale never went down too. And yes, my doctor is gonna be so surprised at the numbers too.

Chet, LOL, thanks! That's awesome that you've managed to stay off of medications. Keep it up!! I think when I hit 20 pounds I'll have a ramen!

Mich, thanks! Ho, finally came yah.

Annie, thank you!!

jalna said...

N, no, clothes not loose, just not as tight. LOL.

Kay said...

Congratulations, Jalna! You would be shocked at how high my triglycerides are. Gulp.