Hmmmmm . . . Blogger has a new interface and I've been putting off learning how to use it . . . ' cause . . . you know . . . I no like learn new tricks. But . . . I guess it's time. Ugh . . .
Inspiration for this painting came from a pillow being sold on Amazon. You can check it out here if you like.
<a href="" title="IMG_4989"><img src="" width="640" height="640" alt="IMG_4989"></a>
ACK. Doesn't work. Whyyyyyyyy??
OMG, I found the solution in a YouTube video. I needed to embed in HTML view instead of Compose view like I usually do. YouTube is totally da bomb!!!
Now, if Blogger's new "preview" button would work that would be awesome.

Beautiful painting! I love the colors.
Glad you figured out the blogger thing! I love this painting! Is the gold part also water color ?
Good job, nice painting! So....did you buy the pillows?
Izmom, I like the colors too!!
Susan, me too. Can't believe I found the solution on YouTube. The gold is also watercolor paint.
Aunty, thanks, the gold is the Turner watercolor paint that you gave me awhile back. No, I didn't buy the pillows.
tried to comment but I guess it didn’t go through, hope you get a hang of the new blogger, it keeps changing.
Kat, for real it keeps changing. I read in a forum that the method to embed images and videos is still being worked on.
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