Chuukese families are huge and there were many, many children in Kino's family, but Teisy Tatashy always held a very special place in my heart. She is Kino's cousin. She was only 4 years old when he passed away. As the years went on, and the time we spent together dwindled, Teisy still always made sure to keep in touch with me.
Teisy is 19 years old now and is attending Pacific Island University on Guam. She still e-mails me occasionally. I replied to one of her e-mails recently and directed her to my post on Kino. She read it for the first time and sent me this:
HI aunty
Thanks for writting back...and yes, the story is long, but I can't stop reading i was reading it, i can just picture those times when you first saw him and when you visited him....even though i was young that time, I still remember him....I think the reason why you keep on thinking about Kino is that God is reminding you that you are a unique person...even though Kino wasn't someone you was God who gave you that feeling to help him out...It was God who gave you that sort of feeling to feel for him....God is good. All the time Jalna....many times in life we are so busy with work, family and all the things we do....and we forget that it was HIM (God) who has blessed our lifes with our family and the kind of work we do....I may not know if you believe in God...but I know you have a feeling that there is that True GOd...the one who created the heaven and the earth.....just take a time to look around aunty, and see how amazing God is. All these we see around us was created by the most creative and number one artist which is GOD alone:) This relationship we have between us will not be've been part of my life ever since i was young....and the best!!! I love you for who you are to me, and I surely thank God for you!!...though we are miles miles apart...but in heart and prayers we are together...I'm sorry for this long letter aunty, but this is what's on my heart at this moment.....and until then we will always meet again right?...:) God loves you and so do I. love always, Teisy. Tatashy
Here is Teisy . Teisy is in the middle of the pack watching TV.

Hey Sweetie, I love you!!
Wow! I never knew you still keep in touch with them...amazing...that's awesome! Actually I really shouldn't be surprised, I think you have the biggest heart of anyone I know!
what an awesome email! thanks for sharing the joy ;->
Les, it's not me . . . it's Teisy. I'm pretty bad at keeping in touch.
My pleasure, Rand.
That is so great you keep in touch with her. I know Kino appreciates every kind thing you do for his family.
What a beautiful girl!! We've never met in person, yet I also feel a connection to you. Just from reading your posts, I can tell you are a very special person and have a big heart -- remembering the box of goodies you sent me soon after we "met". Teisy is a special young woman too, her email was beautiful!! I'm so proud to call you "friend"!!
Thanks Erick. I just realized I never told you . . . Samiko, Kino's aunty, the one that I first spoke to works in the HMSA parking garage. Maybe you've seen her. I'll e-mail you her picture.
I'm so glad we "met" too Betty. It's amazing how we've gotten to know each other through our blogs. You humble me with your praise. Kino and Teisy are truly the special ones.
so great that you still keep in touch!
Kat, it's Teisy.
Thanks yOu aunty for the really has been a major long time...and special thanks to the commenters and the followers...yeah we have been close and Jalna has been a special person in my life and to our whole family...she has been like an aunty to all of us...and on behalf of our family...we would like to thank You Jalna for your love, A love that i don't think none of us can see from our own people....we love you for the who you are to us..and how you don't seem to care about where we came from other people seem to make it a big deal of Micronesians..but we are equal and created by one God....
thank you for everything..Love you;)
Thank you Teisy for your kind thoughts and words. I miss you and hope to see you again sometime soon.
Wow, Jalna, thanks for this post. Made my day. I love stories that show the aloha spirit is alive and well in people like you! I LOVED the posting you did long ago about Kino I have it bookmarked and tell people about it when I mention your blog and I LOVE it that you are still in touch with his family! You are blessed and Kino's family is too! Take care! Love your blog!
MJC, thank you so much for your kind words. I feel so happy knowing that Kino's legacy is being kept alive by people like you.
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