I pulled into Marukai's parking lot this morning determined to continue
Marvin's Quest for the Kinako Puffs. As I approached the doors I realized I had a problem . . . no membership card. So I went to the customer service counter and explained that I had left my card in my other purse. The girl gave me a one-day pass that I could use for free one time, but it would cost me 25 cents the next time. I said, "Okay", but I thought "????". Should I have said that I lost it instead, and then have gotten a replacement card that I could use for the rest of the year for free??? I don't get it.
I headed straight for the Japanese Snacks. Fearing the dreaded, "No Pikchas!" warning, I took these shots without looking through the viewfinder so as not to draw attention to myself.

I searched and I searched. I walked around and around.

I started to get discouraged.

And then it happennnnned . . . it took me by surpriiiiise . . . This Maaaagic Mooooment . . . so different and so neeeewww . . . is like any otherrrrr . . . until I found youuuuuu. Swwweeeeter than wiiiiine . . . softer than a summer niiiiight . . . everything I want I had . . . This Maaaagic Moooment . . . will last foreeeeever, forever til the eeeeend of tiiiiiiime . . . woooo-oooo-oooo . . . woooo-ooooo-oooooo . . . woooo-ooooo-ooooo . . . wooooo-ooooo-ooooo . . .

Sing along . . .
Jalna, you are hilarious! I love your impromtu sing-along!! This store would be worse that turning a kid loose in a candy store. Talk about "where do I start first", this would be pretty awesome. So did you buy out the stock of these Kinako Puffs? hehehe!
Betty, I bought six bags! By the way, can you e-mail me your mailing address?
Thanks for the kinako puffs, Jalna! We tried them for dessert after we got home and they were deeeelicious! Now, I'm on my own quest to buy more! ~ Fawn
SIX BAGS???? the lady at the counter must think you're nuts! hahaha! Save me one puff, i like taste!
How much were they?
Maraukai-Dillingham is just 3 minutes away for me.
Hi tippy, they were $5.99 a bag. There're six pouches in each bag and six "puffs" in each pouch. Kinda expensive, but so different you just gotta try it. They're really light and airy and when you put them in your mouth they disappear in a puff with just a lingering peanutty flavor left.
Thank you, thank you!!! I will email you my address.
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