I'm in love. Yesterday, Brandee picked up this Korean tofu stew called Soon Do Bu for me. There are different varieties. This one had kim chee, shiitake mushrooms and ground pork, and Oh My Gawwwwwd, it was so ono. It also came with rice and four different side dishes.

She picked it up from Buk Chang Dong Soon Do Bu. It's on Makaloa across from Wallgreen's. I went there today in hopes of getting a take-out menu. It was fairly early so the place was empty. I walked up to the counter and asked if they had a take-out menu. The lady there said, "No." I grabbed their laminated one and asked if I could take a picture of the menu instead. She nodded her head. She must've misunderstood me 'cause as soon as I took my camera out of my bag she shouted, "NO PIKCHA!! NO PIKCHA!!" She then yanked the menu from me, put it back where I got it from and gave me the same suspicious look I got from another girl when I was at
The Daily Bread a few months ago. I don't get it. Anyway, if you get the chance, go check it out. . . but don't take NO PIKCHAS.
Another of my favorite dishes! I love that stuff. Nice food shot.
That does look so ono! It's kinda comical, to not be disrespectful, I wonder what she thought you were going to do with a picture of the menu. I was going to tell you Sunday late afternoon we stopped at L&L, the closest thing we have for food like back home to get something to eat. We had been at a birthday pizza party and I was still hungry. I had the BBQ beef mini plate and Gerry had 3 spam musubis. We got an order of malasadas to bring home. The food is ok. Nothing to really shout about. Beggars can't be choosey. :)
"Buk Chang Dong Soon Do Bu"
Now thats a mouthful. LOL
Aloha Jalna,
I have one more question about the LED lights you bought from Longs.
In what section of Longs would I be able to find these lights? TIA
hilarious...geez, they're getting meaner and meaner these days, huh??? Whatever happened to excuuuuuuuse meee??? hahahaha!
Betty: They make malasadas at your L & L?! That's pretty neat.
Tippy: I know, it's a mouthful of words. When people ask me where I got the stew from I make up words and end it with "Bu" 'cause that's all I can remember.
I sent you an e-mail about the lights. If you'll e-mail me your address I'll mail you mine. I don't need them anymore.
Any shrimp in that??? HAHAHA Great pictures even if you got yelled at.
Yes, they have malasadas, well that's what they call them. It's not Leonard's Bakery that's for sure. I think it's a prepackaged mix. I forget the brand. I bought some once, you add water to the mix and then drop by tablespoon into hot oil. L&L then rolls them in sugar.
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