Wendell's at a softball tournament today, so I cooked tonight. This dish is probably one of the last remaining foods that I can make that I haven't blogged about. I like to use this kine corned beef when I make patties. I got it at Foodland and it wasn't on sale so it was $6.49!!!

I put two potatoes in water and boiled.

Me and my son don't really like raw onions, so I usually sautee them before adding to the mixture. If you're a good cook (unlike me), you should cut the pieces smaller. I felt like I should've but the onion was slippery and I didn't want to hurt myself.

I dice up the boiled potatoes and kinda smoosh 'um, then add them, the onions, one egg and some pepper to the corned beef.

I form them into small patties and fry. I think I put too much oil in the pan. Oops!

Here're the patties on paper towels (trying to soak up all the oil).

Wendell made this the other day. I thought I'd sneak it in here. He tried to duplicate the seafood salad we had on New Year's Eve at his friend's house. It's Italian dressing poured over tako, ika, onions, tomatoes, olives, chinese parsley and (sorry Les, Susie and Betty) shrimp.
Your pricey can of corn beef made me think of a quart jug of pure maple syrup Gerry put in my shopping cart when he went to the grocery store with me a couple of weeks ago. I was looking at my receipt later and that jug was $16.95. I about had heart failure. He fixed waffles for breakfast this morning and he thought he was out of syrup. I sarcastically reminded him of the jug of syrup he put in my cart. I told him he better not be drowning his waffles/pancakes in syrup. At that price, it will be awhile before I buy any more. :) Anyway, your patties look so ono! That salad would be good without the shrimp too, I think.
OMG $6.49
I am spoiled, I usually get it on sale for $2.79-$2.99
btw- Jalna, what Longs did you purchase your LED finger lights from?
I just bought my 17 year old daughter a Nikon d40 with two VR lenses and thought that these lights would be a good way for her to use her camera with.
Wow, you da bestest local cook in da world. You rock!
Betty: $16.95!!! It must be ono! Costco has this jug of maple syrup that I eye everytime I'm there. I forget how much is costs, but I can't bring myself to buy it 'cause it's expensive.
Tippy: Wow, lucky daughter!! I bought the lights at Longs Drugs Store in Hawaii Kai. They were on sale during the Halloween season. It's probably not a regular item.
Erick: Thanks, dat's sooo funny!
WHAAATTT........you don't like raw onions either ?? Dang !
Didi: I actually used to eat raw onions before, but lately it gives me da gas (no tell anybody).
Try this with ulu instead of potato, some ono!
Thanks for the tip, Anon!!
My mom taught me to mix the corned beef with onions and potatoes and then coat them with flour, egg and then corn flake crumbs. Your way is easier and looks just as good. I gotta try that. Thanks a bunch!
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