I would say this is pretty cold for Hawaii. 61 degrees is nice for Sacramento. Don't need a jacket at that temp. That's curl up by the fireplace with a good book weather! :) The sun is up here and it's suppose to be another nice day.
Tonkatsu Kuro – Ward Village, HI
At this time of writing, Tonkatsu Kuro is having their soft opening. Yet
another new restaurant in the new Ward condo village. They are right next
door to ...
Backyard Skating Rink
My daughter, Tiffany sent me a photo of their backyard a couple of weeks
There was a downpour that flooded their basement and their backyard when ...
foodie stamps
I don't usually keep up to date about what stamps are out.But the other
day, I was standing in line at the post office and noticed these foodie
The passing of greatness
My pal Esther really had a great year in 2024. She taught several classes
– full of good students eager to learn ceramics and watercolor. She was an
Descanso Gardens, 4/2/24
Three out of four college roommates were able to get together. Our other
roommate, Mary, is from Mountain View and it would have been an eight hour
Surf Report 09-06-2023
Waves: 1 - 3 Feet Wind: Trades Light Trade winds are back but the waves are
still rolling in! It's not Uranus Gotta stop and smell the sunrise! Cotton
Delhi - Day 9
October 2, 2019
We had another full day in Delhi before we leave for Varanasi tomorrow.
Subie met us once again to take us on a mini tour around Delhi. ...
I would say this is pretty cold for Hawaii. 61 degrees is nice for Sacramento. Don't need a jacket at that temp. That's curl up by the fireplace with a good book weather! :) The sun is up here and it's suppose to be another nice day.
Betty: I just looooove the nippy weather!
i didn't wanna get out of bed...again.
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